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更新时间:2019-08-20 11:28点击:

“乌拉圭周在中国”系列活动于 8 月 19 日在北京启动,内容包括商业研讨会及欢迎酒会,期间将展出乌拉圭的优质商品并推出极富南美国家文化特色的艺术演出。
On August 19, Uruguay's Week in China began in Beijing, with a business seminar, a cocktail with outstanding Uruguayan products and artistic shows representative of the culture of the South American country. 

中国外交部副部长郑泽光先生、乌拉圭工业部部长吉列尔莫·蒙塞奇(Guillermo Moncecchi)先生、乌拉圭驻华大使费尔南多·卢格里斯先生(Fernando Lugris)、乌拉圭二十一世纪投资和出口委员会执行董事安东尼奥·卡兰布拉先生(Antonio Carámbula)共同出席了“乌拉圭周在中国”北京站活动。
The activity was attended by the Vice Chancellor of China Zheng Zeguang, as well as the Minister of Industry of Uruguay, Guillermo Moncecchi, the UruguayanAmbassador in China, Fernando Lugris, and the president of Uruguay XXI, the country's investment, export and image promotion agency, Antonio Carámbula.

“乌拉圭周在中国” 北京站 Uruguay Week at Beijing

“乌拉圭周在中国” 北京站 Uruguay Week at Beijing

今年是中乌建立议会友好关系 60 周年。中国自 2013 年以来即成为乌拉圭主要贸易伙伴。这一南美国家也是首个签署“一带一路”合作谅解备忘录的南方共同市场成员国。
China and Uruguay are celebrating 60 years of parliamentary relations this year. China has been Uruguay's main trading partner since 2013. The South American country was also the first Mercosur country to sign up to the One Belt, One Road initiative.

During his presentation, Uruguay's Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining, GuillermoMoncecchi explained why Uruguay, despite being a small country, is a great partner forChina and highlighted the excellent relationship between the two governments, thecountry's strategic location and access to markets. "We are complementary, we arereliable and we have a lot to offer from both sides, in mutual benefit," said the minister. 

The Minister of Industry highlighted the country's advantages as a regional business huband Uruguay's role in the One Belt, One Road: to be the gateway to Mercosur and Latin America. 

“乌拉圭周在中国” 北京站 Uruguay Week at Beijing
The vice-chancellor of China Zheng Zeguang stated that Uruguay maintains a rapid andsustained economic development and has become one of the most attractive investmentdestinations in the región and added that both countries has many possibilities forcooperation to explore within the framework of the One Belt, One Road iniciative, in the areas of infrastructure, clean energy, commerce, tourism.


“乌拉圭周在中国” 北京站 Uruguay Week at Beijing

"Uruguay has positioned itself as a reliable and attractive destination for foreign investors. It is one of the Latin American countries with the best facilities for doing business," said the president of Uruguay XXI, Antonio Carámbula.

The country is also a world leader in renewable energies and the most advanced in the development of communication and information technologies in Latin America.

The combination of optimal natural conditions for production, the application of state-of?the-art technology and access to markets with high quality standards make Uruguay an ideal country for the production of agro-industrial goods. But there are also attractive investment opportunities for Chinese companies in the forestry, global services, renewable energies, logistics, and pharma sectors, among others. 

乌拉圭拥有 350 万人口,而国家食品产量可供应将近 3000 万人,潜在供应能力可达 5000 万人。技术和自然的融合为乌拉圭的安全食品生产保驾护航。
With 3.5 million inhabitants, the country produces food for almost 30 million people andhas the potential to feed 50 million. Uruguay unites technology and nature in the production of safe food. 


The guests participated in a cocktail in which they could taste the best Uruguayan products, recognized worldwide for their quality and confidence. A string of drums and a tango show by renowned Uruguayan artists were the representative shows of Uruguayan culture chosen to end this activity. 

“乌拉圭周在中国”北京站 Uruguay Week at Beijing

During his visit to Beijing, the Minister of Industry, Energy and Mining of Uruguay met with the Minister of Industry and Information Technology Miao Wei. After this visit, the Minister of Uruguay said that both countries have an increasingly fruitful relationship.


Uruguay's Week in China is organized by Uruguay XXI with the support of the Uruguayan Embassy in China and will continue in Tianjin and Shenzhen. In 2018 this activity was headed by the Uruguayan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rodolfo Nin Novoa and took place in Beijing, Chongqing and Guangzhou, where a general consulate was also inaugurated.


Uruguay celebrated National Day at Expo Beijing

以出产可靠高质量食品闻名世界的南美国家乌拉圭,于 18 日星期日的下午,在亚洲最大的园艺博览会上庆祝其国家日。
The South American country, recognized worldwide as a supplier of reliable and quality food, celebrated its National Day at the largest horticultural exhibition in Asia on the afternoon of Sunday 18. 

世园会国家日庆典 National Day at Expo Beijing

"This exhibition pays homage to life. We are here for the citizens of China to learn moreabout the beauty of our country, our culture and everything we have to offer: mutual respect, cooperation, friendship and trust," said the Uruguayan Minister of Industry during celebration.

世园会国家日庆典 National Day at Expo Beijing

Under the slogan "Find yourself with life. Meet Uruguay", Uruguay's stand allows close and vivid interaction with some of the most representative images of the country's agriculture and livestock as well as meeting with the idols of Uruguayan soccer, Suarez and Godín through an experience based on augmented reality technology,. Giant amethysts can also be seen at the stand.